

Push the RESTART button

My oh my the holidays came and went very quickly. I’ll tell you one thing I got for Christmas….UNHEALTHY! If you are anything like me, I like to eat and I did a lot of that during the holidays. So it is time to push the “Restart” button, set new goals, break bad habits, and resolve to become a healthier, happier YOU!

If you can dream it then you can achieve it

New Years resolutions are my nemesis. I have never wanted to actually write them down because that would entail that I actually had to follow through with them. That all changes this year. It is proven that writing down your goals increases your odds of achieving them by 80%. That is huge! So take a step back and really focus on what you would like to achieve in 2019 and start a plan of action on how you are going to make your goal a reality.

How to Achieve Health & Wellness Goals

1. Evaluate your eating habits. Never set unattainable goals. Instead, try to start with small changes (like not drinking sodas) and work your way up to your desired diet. Also, avoid eating late at night. When you eat late, it causes your body to work when it should be resting.

2. Drink plenty of water. I know I say this all of the time, but it is a necessity! The gold standard is to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. Water is needed to hydrate cells, tissues, and organs so they work better, cleanse themselves, and live longer. 

3. Decrease your stress. Sit down and really think of something that you enjoy to do but never have time for. MAKE TIME!! Whether it is yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises, give yourself 10-20 minutes a day of “you time” and unwind. A calm mind is essential for good health.

4. Exercise program. Again start small. If you never go to the gym, don’t set a goal to go every day next year. It isn’t realistic. Instead, make small changes first. Start parking your car further from the store entrance so you have to walk more, for example. Base your first set of changes off of your current fitness level and then work your way up to your goal. Consistency is key. In fact, it takes up to 28 days to form a habit so STAY STRONG!!

One last thing….

Those who receive chiropractic care have a higher quality of life than those whose don’t. Studies show that chiropractic improves circulation and decreases muscle tension and physical stress on spinal discs and nerves It also leads to decreased mental stress and increases a sense of relaxation. Now who doesn’t have at least ONE of those as a New Years’ Resolution?!

Well you know just where to find me! Call the office today to schedule your appointment. If it has been a while since you have been in, no worries, we can still help you reach your goals and start 2019 off fresh, MIND AND BODY!!

Your friendly, neighborhood chiropractor

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